Thursday, December 19, 2019

Unpaid Work An Outdated Social Norm Essay - 1244 Words

Unpaid work is a key theme emphasized in Stanford’s text Economics for Everyone. The importance of unpaid work is explained in a variety of ways throughout the chapters. The unequal distribution of unpaid work, towards women, is highlighted for being an outdated social norm. Stanford enlightens readers on the reality of how unpaid work significantly affects economics. The content shows that if unpaid work within the economy was properly understood, it could influence a change within economic evaluations. The current economic evaluation tool, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), strongly influences social policies particularly for women, affecting their ability to participate fully in the paid workforce. Stanford expresses changes that need to be made concerning how economists view unpaid work. The author stresses this issue in the final chapter by listing unpaid work within his â€Å"A Dozen Big Things to Remember About Economics†. The following will go further in depth about why unpaid work is a crucial issue within the economy. Socialization is a main cause that has influenced unequal distribution of unpaid work within a household. Throughout the chapters of Stanfoods book, it is mentioned numerous times that the majority of unpaid work including, household chores, care for young children or elderly family members (Stanford, †¦. p.119), is completed by women. Statistics Canada has provided statistics on unpaid work, â€Å"men reported spending on average 8.3 hours on unpaid domesticShow MoreRelatedUnpaid Work : An Outdated Social Norm Essay1285 Words   |  6 PagesAnalytical Review Unpaid work is a key theme emphasized in Stanford’s text Economics for Everyone. The importance of unpaid work is explained in a variety of ways throughout the chapters. The unequal distribution of unpaid work, towards women, is highlighted for being an outdated social norm. 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