Saturday, January 4, 2020

1984 the Loss of Humanity Essay - 747 Words

1984: The Loss of Humanity The novel 1984 has left a lasting impact in the literary world. Though the year in which the book takes place has come and gone, the book can still warn of a future that could come. In all reality, the book could be titled 2100 and have the same plot line. But although the warning still has relevance and citizens of the United States should be conscientious of it, the democratic society of the country provides a protection against the loss of individualism. The first step of losing humanity occurs when citizens lose their ability or desire to think independently and know the truth; 1984 depicts the loss of society’s human qualities and how this scenario might occur in the future. In 1984, Winston and†¦show more content†¦In the 2012 presidential election, 99% of citizens voted for either the Democrat or Republican candidate (â€Å"Election 2012†). Americans like to think they are different from everybody else, but this is not always the reality. So, Americans may be losing some of their individualistic thinking, bringing them closer to the minds of the citizens in the society of 1984. In recent years, America has become a world of social media. On September 14, Facebook reached 1 billion users, which is about one seventh of the world’s population (Vance). Though social media allows everyone to share their opinion with whomever they want, it is also used by some as the only avenue to learn information. In 2010, 6.1 million students were taking at least one online course (Lytle). Many citizens also accept information off the internet as true without validation. People become â€Å"followers† and can base their opinions on what somebody else says. In the society of 1984, the idea of social media does not exist. However, the act of blind following does exist in 1984’s society. Big Brother is the citizens’ only source of information and they do not question the validity of any claims made by the Party. 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