Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Humanistic Perspective Of Personality And Stress And...

This essay demonstrates my understanding of the psychological theories and concepts which were discussed in lectures as I have applied this knowledge to the case example. I have employed two psychological topics such as the Humanistic perspective of personality and Stress and Coping theory. Carl Rogers Person-Centered Theory Carl Rogers view the self-concept as a collection of beliefs about one’s nature, unique qualities, and typical behaviour. Rogers believed that people are aware of their self-concepts. Our self-concept is our mental image of our self. It is a collection of our self-perceptions. For example, a self-concept might include such beliefs as the case example suggests, Dan expresses â€Å"I’m such a failure!† or â€Å"I just can’t cope with this!† Rogers used the term incongruence to introduce the disparity between one’s self-concept and one’s actual experience. On the contrary, congruence is an adequate match between the self-concept and reality. Our self-concept is not completely constant with our actual experiences. Forthrightly, our self-concept may be imprecise. Most people are likely to misinterpret their experience to a certain degree in order to develop a positive self-concept. For example, you believe that you are brave enough to do a skydive but when the actual time arrives you intend to surrender. Rodgers advocated that a great deal of incongruence can weaken an individual’s psychological well-being. On the other hand, if a person’s self-concept is fairlyShow MoreRelatedPsychosocial History: Barry Egan1761 Words   |  7 Pagessource of stress in Barrys life. The client owns his own business, and when he started the business it was a major life event. Barry has recently witnessed a car crash that indirectly and inadvertently changed his life. Recently, he became involved in a romantic relationship. The relationship is a major life event, causing stress, albeit positive in nature. 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