Thursday, August 1, 2019

How Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Are Related? Essay

RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center plans to leverage its business model to satisfy three primary consumer needs – information, cost effectiveness and quality in a single place. As far as information generation is concerned, RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center plans to use opinion leaders to generate extensive reviews on popular products. Furthermore RABBIRRA mobile accessory center plans to offer attractive incentives for customers to sign up on our web site and review products. We also plan to import high quality of china model mobile accessories and other countries model. 2. Cost effectiveness: With its expertise in wholesaling and all its suppliers based in China, RABBIRRA mobile accessory center anticipates margins of 30-60% on its products and can react to new entrants by offering similar products at negligible margins. 1. 3 Location Locating the business will be in East showa at Gedo City kebele 01 near Chaliya Hotel. The reason for chosen this location has been the following criteria. In this location we get all facilities easily such as transport, water supply, electric power supply and others, the house rent is very less cost, we get a lot of customers because around the location there is no more other business to operate this activities. It is comfortable to target markets . the location also enables the business to cover a large and rapidly developing customer populace. E-Commerce: The business will make an effort to enhance its sales through a serious and advantageous website in order to attract customers that are reluctant to do business with large companies. 1. 4 Market area The market area of our business plan to selling our mobile accessories is in the center of Gedo City kebele 01. It has a lot of population around here and it is near to Chaliya Hotel. In this area there are a lot of schools, building constrictions, and social and religion institutes, other market centers, hotels and restaurants this give a better advantage of selling our products. 1. 5 Market Segmentation RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center will focus on  five customer groups, bearing in mind that it is quite customary today to have more than one mobile phone per family: * Children in the age group of 14-17 years old Students * General public * Professionals * Service organizations and companies that need to be in constant communication with their employees. Customer potential| Growth| Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Children(14-17 years)| 3%| 90,000| 92,700| 95,481| Student| 2 %| 50,000| 51,000| 52,020| Professions| 2 %| 40,000| 40,800| 41,616| General public| 2%| 250,000| 255,000| 260,100| Operating service company| 4%| 40,000| 41,600| 43,264| Other| 1%| 30,000| 30,300| 30,603| Total| 2. 29%| 500,000| 511,400| 523,084| Table 1. 1 Main customers of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center . 6 Total demand The following table is show demands of the product per month and pre year:- Products| Demand per month(quantity)| Demand per year(quantity)| Battery| 100| 1200| Charger| 90| 1080| Memory| 110| 1320| Screen protector| 50| 600| Case| 55| 660| Cover| 95| 1140| Adapter| 75| 900| Earphone| 98| 1176| Headset| 80| 960| Cable| 60| 720| Modem| 45| 240| Audio accessory| 48| 576| Table 1. 2 Main product demands of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center In general total demand of our business is increased based on as we see that he number of customers are increases and they will satisfy by our product and the place of the business is comfortable for the market. 1. 7 Market Share RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center has set modest goals for gains in market share as can be seen from the chart below. Starting with a market share of 15%, RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center plans to capture 24% of the market by 2016. % 30 25 20 15 10 0 Year 1 year 2 year 3 Fig 1. 1 Market sharing of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center 1. 8 Selling price Many product sellers are struggle with selling price, and we are regularly asked how we work it out. As much as we want to and the selling price formula is based on â€Å"Rate-Plus Method†. The selling price of each product is the following:- Products| Purchasing price (birr)| Profit ( percent)| Profit (birr)| Selling price(birr)| Battery| 73. 45| 10. 27| 7. 55| 80. 00| Charger| 24. 50| 22. 45| 5. 5| 30. 00| Memory| 65. 70| 14. 15| 9. 30| 75. 00| Screen protector| 43. 80| 14. 15| 6. 20| 50. 00| Case| 17. 00| 17. 65| 3. 00| 20. 00| Cover| 21. 50| 16. 28| 3. 50| 25. 00| Adapter| 18. 60| 18. 28| 3. 40| 22. 00| Earphone| 23. 00| 21. 74| 5. 00| 28. 00| Headset| 85. 40| 17. 38| 14. 60| 100. 00| Cable| 35. 0| 12. 04| 4. 30| 40. 00| Modem| 53. 65| 11. 84| 6. 35| 60. 00| Audio accessory| 92. 00| 19. 58| 18. 00| 110. 00| Table 1. 3 Product selling price of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center 1. 9 Sales Forecast Sales forecast displayed here is very although we aim very high, we decided to show a very slow growth and revise the plan on a yearly basis. As a rule we expect to expand the volu me much more rapidly Year 1 Products| Amount (quantity)| Price (birr)| Battery| 1,200| 96,800| Charger| 1,080| 32,400| Memory| 1,320| 99,000| Screen protector| 600| 30,000| Case| 660| 13,200| Cover| 1,140| 28,500| Adapter| 900| 19,800| Earphone| 1,176| 32,928| Headset| 960| 96,000| Cable| 720| 28,800| Modem| 540| 32,400| Audio accessory| 576| 63,360| Total| 10,872| 573,188| Table 1. 4 Product Sales Forecast of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center (year one) Year 2 Products| Amount (quantity)| Price (birr)| Battery| 1344| 107,520| Charger| 1209| 36,270| Memory| 1478| 110,850| Screen protector| 672| 33,600| Case| 739| 14,780| Cover| 1276| 31,900| Adapter| 1008| 22,176| Earphone| 1317| 36,876| Headset| 1075| 107,500| Cable| 806| 32,240| Modem| 605| 36,300| Audio accessory| 642| 70,620| Total| 12,171| 640,632| Table 1. Product Sales Forecast of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center (year two) Year 3 Products| Amount (quantity)| Price (birr)| Battery| 1505| 120,400| Charger| 1354| 40,620| Memory| 1655| 124,125| Screen protector| 753| 37,650| Case| 828| 16,560| Cover| 1429| 37,725| Adapter| 1128| 24,816| Earphone| 1475| 41,300| Headset| 1204| 120,400| Cable| 903| 36,120| Modem| 678| 40,680| Audio accessory| 719| 79,090| Total | 13,631| 719,486| Table 1. 6 Product Sales Forecast of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center (year three) Fig 1. 2 Product Sales Forecast of RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center 1. 10 Promotion measures Primarily when we begin agreement selling the product we sell that product price without including our labor and other expenses sell the product only the cost of the purchasing product. In addition to this we advertisement by satisfied customers, use of posters, Brochures, billboards and regular prompt supply by the manufacturer. 1. 11 Marketing Strategy Short-term marketing strategies are those that bring  will bring us  a temporary boost in traffic. Although these techniques are very important to  our over-all plan, they are only a temporary traffic source and must not be solely relied upon. Short-term marketing strategies include: * Purchasing Advertising * Bulletin Boards * Search Engines Long-term marketing strategies are those that will bring  us a steady stream of targeted traffic over time. These strategies will continue to produce results even years down the road. Long-term marketing strategies include: * Decide-in Lists * Free gift * Content By creating and implementing a balanced marketing strategy, using both short-term and long-term strategies,  RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center  will drive a steady stream of targeted traffic to our website. Using this simple formula when creating  our Internet marketing strategy and excelling at all three, we hope to  guarantee our success. Our short-term marketing strategy will focus heavily on sales promotion, niche positioning in the market and customer service with loyalty and retention in sales. Our promotions will always stay in tune with our company objectives and mission statement. Sales Strategy Constructing our Sales Strategy we shall follow the following steps: Sales Success Requires Planning  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ we shall formulate our sales strategy and tactics to achieve our sales success. Analyze Our Potential  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ we shall step through a structured process that will prepare  us for the development of our sales strategy. Strategize Around Strengths  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the description of our sales activity  will be analyzed producing a report that reveals factors impacting our sales potential. Develop Our Tactics  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ we shall receive guidance to develop a comprehensive tactical plan to achieve our success. Measures Our Success  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ we shall constantly develop key measurements that mark the progress of financial estimates that guide our growth. Employ an Action Plan for Success  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ we shall provide our sales force a clear tactical plan that is also aligned with management’s strategic objectives. The sales strategy of RABBIRRA mobile accessory center is simple. The key to customer satisfaction is having the product and  services  that meet the customer’s needs. A crucial part of that is to also have knowledgeable  employees to help customers quickly find what they want. 1. 12 Marketing budget RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory has a high quality products compare to our competitors. We have a skillful promotion is social networks other advertising business card to peoples, by allocating brochures, Billboards and other tools. Since those costs that are used in our promotion are not too much costly because we develop by ourselves. In addition to this promotion in social networks in not costly it is free to post our products to advertise. Totally we for month marketing budget of birr 40 or annual budget of birr 480. Chapter two 2. Production 2. 1 Production Process The production process is a component appearing under the operating plan of the overall of our business plan. The production process is the process a product or service takes in order for it to become ready for customers to buy. In our business we have no production process since we are not going to produce production materials instead we are going to share the product as a centralized organ. To progresses our business the following things should be fulfilled. 1. Selecting the appropriate place to sale our products 2. Having enough money to do the business 3. Decide what customers available for our production 2. 2 Fixed Capital Fixed capital Building 11,400(annually in birr) Equipment: Computers 8,000 ? 1 =8,000 3 Shelves 2,000 x 3 =6,000 3 tables 500 x 3=1,500 4 chairs 450Ãâ€"4=1,800 1 speaker 650Ãâ€"1=650 2 adapters 60Ãâ€"2=120 2 calculators 90Ãâ€"2=180 Total fixed asset 29,650 2. 3 Life of fixed capitals The life of the fixed building is undetermined because it is not owned by us. The life of computers, shelves, tables, speakers, chairs and adapters are more than 10 years because we can maintain computers, speakers and adapters when it fails and we repair chairs and tables when it breaks. The life of a shelf is more than 10 years because it is regularly used when we are putting materials. The annual depreciation cost, assuming no scrap value, will therefore be: 5 % of 11,400 (Building)Birr 570 10% of 18,250 (equipment) Birr 1,825 Annual depreciation cost: Birr 2,395 . 4 Maintenance and repairs Because of simplicity of equipment the worker of the shop can maintain and repair the things that needed to repair. When we say mobile accessory sales we can conclude that maintain and repair the mobile accessories, such as mobile cover, changing mobiles ice, screen protector and etc. 2. 5 Source of Equipment Source of our equipment are the super market, Production suppliers, and etc. 2. 6 Plan ed capacity The capacity to sale equipment should be greater than the existing one. Also attraction of customer should be better than the others. 0% of equipment should be sale per a day. 50% per a week and 90% per a month. 2. 7 Future capacity In the future we are going to increase customer by increasing the quality of our service more and more. After two year we will open the branch of our Business in appropriate place and we will open job opportunity for jobless persons. 2. 8 Terms and conditions of purchase of Equipment There is no raw material we need since we are not producing by our self simply we get or purchase the equipment from the organization of the product. 2. 9 Factory location and layout Our Mobile accessory Center will be located in one room which is used for selling room. The total size of the rooms will be on 15sq. ft. We does not use any other materials therefore there is no estimation of cost of raw materials and their availability. 2. 10 Labor The manager by himself can participate in working and manages other workers and equipment. And also supervise the entire of the work. 2. 11 Cost of labor The owner will pay will pay himself a wage of birr 1000 and his assistant will be paid birr 600 per month. The other labor get 200 birr and Indirect labor Birr per Month 5 Owner / manager 700 x5=3,500 Sweeper 200 x1=200 Total 3,700 Direct labor Birr per Month Worker 350Ãâ€"1 = 350 Total labor cost 4,050 2. 12 Labor availability Workers available all the time since there are more educated persons in Ethiopia. So we can get labor whenever we need. 2. 13 Labor productivity The wage for workers will paid on holly day depending on condition of market 2. 14 Factory overhead Expenses Factory overhead in our business consists of the following things Per Month Birr Indirect labor 3,700 Electricity and telephone 100 Transport of Materials 200 Total factory overhead 4,000 2. 15 Production cost 1. Direct labor Birr per month Worker 350 x1= 350 2. Factory overhead Expenses Birr per month Indirect labor 3,700 Electricity and telephone 100 Transport of Materials 200 Total factory overhead 4,000 Total production cost 4,350 Chapter Three 3. Organizations and Management 3. 1 Form of Business The business will be registered under the name â€Å"RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center† as a sole proprietorship and owned by Mr. PeterosTona, RebumaYadasa, Shiferaw Tegen, SadikAwol and Siraj Ahmed . It will have its business address located at West showa in Gedo City. 3. 2 Organizational Structure The proprietors have their individual accountability and burdens in successively the business consecutively the business. General Manager Mr. PetrosTona, Finance manager Mr. ShiferawTegen, Marketing and Purchasing Manager RebumaYadasa, Seller Mr. SadikAwol and Mr. Sirage Ahmed as main division of work and when work loaded all members is work as Seller. Two part time will be hired for customers contact and reservation the needs of the regulars. When work load is happens all owners can cover each other tasks to minimize overload of the work. Fig 3. 1 Organizational Structure General Manager Mr. Petros Tona Marketing and purchasing Manager Mr. Rebuma Yadasa Finance manager Mr. Shifera Tegen Seller Mr. SadikAwol and Siraj Ahmed Worker (To be hired) 3. Business experience and qualifications of the entrepreneur Most of the proprietors do not have a proper way business experience but our satisfaction we learn several thing about business in two subjects. The primary of this satisfaction is we learn entrepreneurship and small business management course. In this course we have a good knowledge and confidence to work this business. The other course we take Economi cs, it related to business. All entrepreneurs will get BSC degree in computer science from Jimma University. They took varies major and common course during the 4 years program. Some of the major courses are Calculus , discrete math, economics advanced programming, object oriented programming, fundamental of database system, Internet programming, advanced database system, computer graphics, data communication and computer network, wireless communication and mobile computing, artificial intelligence, distributed system, multimedia system, computer security, formal language theory, compiler design, complex theory, statistics and others. 3. 4 Pre-Operation Activities We listed down the following activates to be started before we can activate our business: 1. Process the steps needed for business 1 day 2. Preparing expressing the business plan 5 weeks 3. Applying for a loan and approval 3 weeks 4. Contact product suppliers 1 week 5. Employment labor 2 days 6. Purchasing product 4 days 7. Setting up the product 1 day We intended to start the operation approximately five months after our credit application, eight weeks after release our loan. Table 3. 1 Giant chart Pre-Operation Activities| Time Table (in weeks)| | 1| 2| 3| 4 | 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| Registering the business| | | | | | | | | | | Preparing the business plan| | | | | | | | | | | Applying for a loan and approval| | | | | | | | | | | Contact equipment suppliers| | | | | | | | | | | Construction the factory| | | | | | | | | | | Hiring labor| | | | | | | | | | | Equipment purchasing| | | | | | | | | | | RABBIRRA Mobile Accessory Center pre-operation activities 3. 5 Pre- Operation Expenses Our Pre-operation is that we have to decide the place properly to progresses our business. Pre-operating Expense birr Registration cost 200 Electricity 150 Transportation cost 100 Total Pre-operating expense450 3. 6 Office equipment We will just buy three inexpensive tables which are suitable for computers and four chairs, calculators and stabilizer. All this costs birr 18,250. The monthly and annually depreciation for this equipment will be birr 22and 1,825 respectively. 3. 7 Administrative Expense The entrepreneur wants to keep our cost low in order to be competitive. Our monthly administrative expense consists of: Birr Treasure allowance (wife) 290 Depreciation of office equipment 22 Supplies and communication 30 Electricity 200 Total 542 Chapter Four 4 Financial Plan 4. 1 Project cost 4. 1. 1 Fixed assets Building 11,400(Annually in birr) Equipment18,250 Total fixed assets29,650 29,650 4. . 2 Pre-Operation Expense 450 4. 1. 3 Working Capital Monthly purchasing price of each product= monthly amount of each product x purchasing price of each product Annually purchasing price of each product= monthly amount of each product x purchasing price of each product x 12 Products| Monthly amount| Purchasing price(birr) per month| Annually amount | Purchasing price(birr) per year| Battery| 100| 7,345| 1200| 88,140| Charger| 90| 2,205| 1080| 26,460| Memory| 110| 7,22 7| 1320| 86,724| Screen protector| 50| 2,190| 600| 26,280| Case| 55| 935| 660| 11,220| Cover| 95| 2,042. 50| 1140| 24,510| Adapter| 75| 1,395| 900| 16,740| Earphone| 98| 2,254| 1176| 27,048| Headset| 80| 6,832| 960| 81,984| Cable| 60| 2,142| 720| 25,704| Modem| 45| 2,414. 25| 240| 28,971| Audio accessory| 48| 4,416| 576| 52,992| Total| 906| 41,397. 75| 10,872| 496,773| The cost of one month of Purchasing product 41,397. 75 Values of each needed for operation. This will be The cost of one month of labor and overhead 8,050 Total working capital49,447. 75 49,447. 75 Total capital requirement 79,547. 75 4. 2 Financing plan and loan Requirement Initially individually we collect 8,500 birr for each of us which results 42,500 birr covering the cost of building, equipment, labor, factory overhead and pre-operating expense. A loan will be required for the purchasing of product. Particulars| Owner’s equity | Loan | Total | Fixed Capitals| (in birr )| Building | 11,400| -| 11,400| Equipment| 18,250| -| 18,250| Pre-operation expense| 450| -| 450| Working capital| 12,400| 37,047. 75| 49,447. 75| Total | 42,500| 37,047. 75| 79,547. 75| Percent | 53. 43 %| 46. 57%| 100%| 4. 3 security for loan All of owners have a land which is valued at birr 50,000. This land is pledge as security against the loan. 4. 4 Profit and loss statement Birr Sales of 10,872 products with form table of year one sale 573,188 Less: The cost of one month of Purchasing product x 12 496,773 Labor: birr 350 ? 12 4,200 Overhead: birr 4000 ? 12 48,000 548,973 GROSS PROFIT 24,215 Less: Marketing and administration cost birr 40 ? 12 +542Ãâ€"12=480+6504 6,984 OPERATING PROFIT17,231 Less: interest expense 3,705 NET PROFIT BEFORE TAX13,526 For the next three years, the projected income statement appear below Projected income statement (birr) Year| 1| 2| 3| Sales target| 10872| 12171| 13631| Capacity | 76%| 88%| 100%| Sales | 573188| 640632| 719486| Less:| | | | Labor| 4200| 4200| 4200| Overhead| 48000| 48000| 48000| Manufacturing | 52,200| 52200| 52,200| Gross Profit| 24,215| 91,659| 170,513| Less: Mktg&Adm cost| 6,984| 6,984| 6,984| Net Profit Before interest and tax| 17,231| 84,675| 163,529| Less: Interest| 3,705| 2,470| 1,235| Net profit before tax| 13,526| 82,205| 162,294| Accumulative Profit | 13,526| 95,731| 258,025| 4. 5 Cash flow statement Projected cash flow statements (Birr) Particulars| Pre-operation period | Year| | | 1| 2| 3| Cash Inflow| | | | | Equity| 42,500| -| -| -| Borrowing | 37,047| -| -| -| Cash sales *| | 573,188| 640,632| 719,486| Total Cash Inflow| 79,547| 573,188| 640,632| 719,486| Cash Outflow| | | | | Pre-operation expense | 450| -| -| -| Purchase of fixed asset| 29,650| -| -| -| Purchasing product| | 496,773| 556,385| 623,151| Direct Labor | -| 4,200| 4,200| 4,200| Factory/operation Overheads **| -| 48,000| 48,000| 48,000| Market expenses | -| 480| 480| 480| Administrative expense **| -| 6,504| 6,504| 6,504| Interest expense| -| 3,705| 2,470| 1,235| Loan amortization| -| 12,349| 12,349| 12,349| Total cash outflow| 30,100| 572,011| 630,388| 695,919| Net cash Inflow(outflow)| 49,447| 1,177| 10,244| 23,567| Cash Balance Beginning | -| 49,447| 48,270| 58,514| Cash Balancing Ending | 49,447| 48,270| 58,514| 82,081| 4. 6 Balance sheet Projected balanced sheet particular| Pre-operating period| Year | | 1| 2| 3| Assets| | | | | Current asset | | | | | Cash| 49,447| 48,270| 58,514| 82,081| Total current assets | 49,447| 48,270| 58,514| 82,081| Fixed assets | | | | | Building| 11,400| 11,400| 11,400| 11,400| Equipment | 18,250| 18,250| 18,250| 18,250| Net fixed assets | 29,650| 29,650| 29,650| 29,650| Total fixed assets| | | | | Other assets | | | | | Pre-operation expenses | 450| | | | Total assets | 79,547| 79,547| 79,547| 79,547| Liabilities | | | | | Current liabilities | | | | | Loans payable| -| 12,349| 12,349| 12,349| Total current liabilities| | 12,349| 12,349| 12,349| Long term liabilities| | | | | Loan payable| 37,047 | 24,698| 12,349| -| Total long term liabilities| 37,047 | 24,698| 12,349| -| Owners’ equity| | | | | Capital beginning | 42,500| 42,500| 42,500| 42,500| Accumulated capital| -| 42,500| 42,500| 42,500| Add: net profit after tax| | 13,526| 82,205| 162,294| Total owners’ equity| | 56,026| | | Total liabilities and equity| 79,547| 79,547| 79,547| 79,547| 4. 7 Loan Repayment schedule The loan of birr will be paid over a 3 year period. The repayment schedule is as follows: Year | Amount principal outstanding | of installment due at 10%| Interest amount | Total | 1| 37,047| 12,349| 3,705| 16,054| 2| 24,698| 12,349| 2,470| 14,819| | 12,349| 12,349| 1,235| 13,584| 4. 8 Break –even Point (BEP) The brake even point can be calculated as follows Birr Annual sales 573,188 -Annual Fixed cost: Owners’ salary birr 5 ? 700= 3500 /month 42,000 Annual interest 3705 Annual factory depreciation ,395 Other overheads 300/month 3,600 Marketing and administrative cost 6,984 58,684 Annual Variable Cost s: Direct labor 350/month 4,200 Purchasing product 496,773 500,973 Annual Sales ? Annual Fixed Cost = BEP (Annual Sales) Annual sales – annual variable Costs 573,188 x 58, 684 ________________________________________________________ 573,188 -500,973 =465,789 BEP (Annual production) 465,789 BEP percentage Annual fixed cost x 100 _______________________________________ Annual sale – annual variable cost =BEP (percentage) 58,684 x 100 _________________ 573,188- 500,973 = 81. 26% BEP in annual sales = BEP% x annual sales 81. 26 x 573,188 =465,789 4. 9 Return on Investment (ROI) The ROI for this project is as follows: Annual Net Profit 13,526 ____________________________ = ________________ x100 Total Capital Requirement 79,547 = 17% ROI is therefore, 17% The return on owner’s investment (RIO) is: Annual Net Profit 13,526 ____________________________ = __________ x 100 Owners’ investment 42,500 =31. 83% RIO is, therefore, 31. 83%.

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