Thursday, August 8, 2019

Is managing people the most important job of a manager Coursework

Is managing people the most important job of a manager - Coursework Example The systematically structured and managed to meet a need parts come later. Without the social unit an organization would not exist and it would not be able to pursue collective goals. Managers therefore need to realize that organizations are made of people and nothing else. These people get together for a set time during the day and attempt to solve problems and achieve the collective goals that the definition of an organization talks about. To put it in simpler words, organizations cannot exist independently of the people that constitute them; they are simply patterns of human interaction. Managers should recognize that managing people is in fact the most important task that they have to perform. All of the four components of a manager’s job: Planning, organizing, leading and controlling cannot be performed efficiently and effectively till a manager effectively manages all the human resources of the organization properly. Let us consider all the functions separately. The first function is planning. This function refers to determining the goals of the organization and figuring out how to achieve them. Latest organizational practices theories dictate that in order to be successful managers should involve their subordinates right from the planning phase. They must sit with them and determine the goals and ways to achieve them through mutual consultation. A shrewd manager would recognize the fact that unless the employees are managed tactfully by him this whole practice would be a waste of time. The second function is organizing. This function refers to assigning responsibility to subordinates for task accomplishment. (Daft, 2006) If a manager does not manage his subordinates well then he might end up creating problems for himself as far as organizing is concerned. He might have to do all or most of the work himself because of lack of delegation which, in turn, takes place due to lack of trust between manager and subordinates etc (Morden, 2004) (Reh, n.d.) The third function is leading. This function refers to using influence to motivate subordinates to achieve the organizations goals. (Daft, 2006) To put things simply, without effective management of employees there would be no motivation and as a result no â€Å"leading†. The fourth and final function is controlling. This function refers to monitoring employee activities and keeping the organization on track towards its goals. (Daft, 2006) If employees are not managed effectively they have been known to come up with reasons to steal from the organization , to slack off from work and indulge in other such counter productive activities. (Walsh, 2000) Therefore, we can conclude that managing people is in fact the most important part of a manager’s job. Discussion Question 2: The design of organization structure is a critical factor in the success or failure of a firm and should be taken very seriously by managers. The major methods of division of work are as follow s: 1. Vertical Functional: This approach is characterized by the grouping

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