Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Three Most Important Elements of a Manager :: essays research papers

Coming into this new semester I had many expectations. I was a little bit confused by the format being that this is my first time taking on- line classes, but now that we are so close to the end I am glad to have taken this course. I have learned many things on this class. I have also come across different point of views and have gotten some interesting ones from my classmates. The three things that stood out the most are the description of a good motivator, our great leaders and control techniques. For me a good motivator is a person that inspires you to do better in life. In my personal experience that person would be my grandmother. Unfortunately she passed away last year but I will always have her great image in my heart. I believe that she was a great motivation in my life. She would always encourage me to do better at school and work. She also told me to not settle for little but instead to go after my dreams. She was a hard working woman with a big family that always demanded her support and attention. She inspires me so much even now that she’s not with us. Many of my classmates mentioned their family members and I could relate to that. Huong Do mentioned that his motivators are his parents and his siblings. I believe the reason for him choosing them is because he got to see on a closer look the struggle that they went trough and how they never gave up. This subject also brought us to discuss the great leaders that the world has seen. It is a very similar topic because a great leader is also a great motivator that inspires people to follow his or her cause. A great leader is someone who stands up for certain causes and doesn’t care what people may think of him. They fight for people’s right to a better life, for peace and many other things. As I mention on the discussion I don’t think there are any great leaders left. Our society has become so busy and selfish that everyone is trying to look out for themselves. I agree with my classmate Susan Njenga when she tells us on her discussion that we could never see a leader like Ghandi or Martin Luther King .A great leader needs to have so many great qualities and control techniques.

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